
Explore the Programs at Miami Dade College

Communications courses must afford students the ability to communicate effectively, including the ability to write clearly and engage in public speaking.

State Core (Total: 1 Course)

  1. ENC1101 English Composition 1

Institutional Course Options (Total: 32 Courses)

Institutional course options include MDC core and general education elective.

  1. ASL1140C American Sign Language 1
  2. ASL1150C American Sign Language 2
  3. ASL2210 ASL Conversational Skills
  4. ASL2220 Receptive Skills Development
  5. ASL2400 Linguistics of American Sign Language
  6. ASL2430 Manual alphabet Skills Development
  7. ASL2510 Deaf Culture and Community
  8. CHI1120 Elementary Mandarin Chinese 1
  9. CHI1121 Elementary Mandarin Chinese 2
  10. CRW2001 Creative Writing 1
  11. CRW2002 Creative Writing 2
  12. ENC1102 English Composition 2
  13. ENC2300 Advanced Composition and Communication
  14. ENG2012 Literary Theory
  15. FRE1120 Elementary French 1
  16. FRE1121 Elementary French 2
  17. GER1120 Elementary German 1
  18. GER1121 Elementary German 2
  19. ITA1120 Elementary Italian 1
  20. ITA1121 Elementary Italian 2
  21. JPN1120 Elementary Japanese 1
  22. JPN1121 Elementary Japanese 2
  23. POR1120 Elementary Portuguese 1
  24. POR1121 Elementary Portuguese 2
  25. RUS1120 Elementary Russian 1
  26. RUS1121 Elementary Russian 2
  27. SPC1017 Introduction to Communication
  28. SPC2511 Argumentation and Debate
  29. SPC2601 Advanced Public Speaking
  30. SPC2608 Introduction to Public Speaking
  31. SPN1120 Elementary Spanish 1
  32. SPN1121 Elementary Spanish 2