
Explore the Programs at Miami Dade College

Humanities courses must afford students the ability to think critically through the mastering of subjects concerned with human culture, especially literature, history, art, music and philosophy, and must include selections from the Western canon.

State Core (Total: 6 Courses)

  1. ARH1000 Art Appreciation
  2. HUM1020 Humanities
  3. LIT2000 Introduction to Literature
  4. MUL1010 Music Appreciation
  5. PHI2010 Introduction to Philosophy
  6. THE2000 Theatre Appreciation

Institutional Course Options (Total: 24 Courses)

Institutional course options include MDC core and general education elective.

  1. AML2010 American Literature 1
  2. AML2020 American Literature 2
  3. ARC2701 History of Architecture 1
  4. ARC2702 History of Architecture 2
  5. ARH2050 Art History 1
  6. ARH2051 Art History 2
  7. ARH2402 Art History 3
  8. ARH2740 Cinema Appreciation
  9. DAN2100 Dance Appreciation
  10. DAN2130 Dance History 1
  11. DAN2131 Dance History 2
  12. ENL2012 English Literature 1
  13. ENL2022 English Literature 2
  14. LIT2090 Contemporary Literature
  15. LIT2120 Survey of World Literature
  16. MUH2111 Survey of Music History 1
  17. MUH2112 Survey of Music History 2
  18. MUL2380 Jazz and Popular Music in America
  19. PHI1100 Introduction to Logic
  20. PHI2600 Introduction to Ethics
  21. PHI2801 Aesthetics
  22. PHM2300 Political Philosophy
  23. REL1210 Religion of the Old Testament
  24. REL1240 Religion of the New Testament