
Explore the Programs at Miami Dade College

Natural science courses must afford students the ability to critically examine and evaluate the principles of the scientific method, model construction and use the scientific method to explain natural experiences and phenomena.

State Core (Total: 13 Courses)

  1. AST1002 Descriptive Astronomy
  2. BSC1005 General Education Biology
  3. BSC2010 Principles of Biology
  4. BSC2085 Human Anatomy & Physiology I
  5. CHM1020 General Education Chemistry
  6. CHM1045 General Chemistry and Qualitative Analysis
  7. ESC1000 General Education Earth Science
  8. EVR1001 Introduction to Environmental Science
  9. GLY1010 Physical Geology
  10. OCE1001 Introduction to Oceanography
  11. PHY1020 General Education Physics
  12. PHY2048 Physics with Calculus 1
  13. PHY2053 Physics (without Calculus) 1

Institutional Course Options (Total: 60 Courses)

Institutional course options include MDC core and general education elective.

  1. BOT1010 Botany
  2. BOT1010L Botany Lab
  3. BOT2150C Native Plant Identification and Usage in South Florida
  4. BSC1005L General Education Biology Lab
  5. BSC1030 Social Issues in Biology
  6. BSC1050 Biology and Environment
  7. BSC1084 Functional Human Anatomy
  8. BSC2010 Principles of Biology
  9. BSC2010L Principles of Biology 1 Laboratory
  10. BSC2011 Principles of Biology 2
  11. BSC2020 Human Biology: Fundamentals of Anatomy/Phys
  12. BSC2085L Human Anatomy and Physiology 1 Laboratory
  13. BSC2086 Human Anatomy & Physiology II
  14. BSC2086L Human Anatomy & Physiology Lab II
  15. BSC2250 Natural History of South Florida
  16. BSC2426L Biotechnology Methods & Applications 1 Laboratory
  17. BSC2427L Biotechnology: Methods & Applications 2 Lab
  18. CHM1020L General Education Chemistry Laboratory
  19. CHM1025 Introductory Chemistry
  20. CHM1025L Introductory Chemistry Laboratory
  21. CHM1033 Chemistry for Health Sciences
  22. CHM1033L Chemistry for Health Sciences Lab
  23. CHM1045L General Chemistry Lab
  24. CHM1046 General Chemistry & Quality Analysis
  25. CHM1046L Gen Chem & Qualitative Analysis Lab
  26. CHM2124C Survey of Quantitative Analysis
  27. CHM2200 Survey of Organic Chemistry
  28. CHM2200L Survey of Organic Chemistry Lab
  29. CHM2210 Organic Chemistry 1
  30. CHM2210L Organic Chemistry 1 Laboratory
  31. CHM2211 Organic Chemistry 2
  32. CHM2211L Organic Chemistry 2 Laboratory
  33. GLY1010L Physical Geology Lab
  34. GLY1100 Historical Geology
  35. HLP1080 Wellness
  36. HLP1081 Fitness and Wellness for Life
  37. HLP1083 Weight Management
  38. HUN1201 Essentials of Human Nutrition
  39. MCB2010 Microbiology
  40. MCB2010L Microbiology Lab
  41. MET1010 Introduction to the Weather
  42. MET1010L Introduction to Weather-Laboratory
  43. OCB1010 Introduction to Marine Biology
  44. OCB1010L Introduction to Marine Biology Laboratory
  45. PCB2033 Introduction to Ecology
  46. PHY1004 Physics with Applications 1
  47. PHY1004L Physics with Applications Lab 1
  48. PHY1005 Physics with Applications 2
  49. PHY1005L Physics with Applications Lab 2
  50. PHY1025 Basic Physics
  51. PHY2048L Physics with Calculus Lab 1
  52. PHY2049 Physics With Calculus 2
  53. PHY2049L Physics with Calculus Lab 2
  54. PHY2053L Physics (without Calculus) 1 Laboratory
  55. PHY2054 Physics (without Calculus) 2
  56. PHY2054L Physics (without Calculus) 2 laboratory
  57. PSC1121 General Education Physical Science
  58. PSC1515 Energy in the Natural Environment
  59. ZOO1010 Zoology
  60. ZOO1010L Zoology Laboratory