School of Education


All students who are interested in becoming teachers or learning more about the teaching profession should contact the MDC SOE Advisement Offices at to learn more! In order to ensure that you are registering for the correct classes that you need to achieve your educational goal, it is important to get correct information. Advisors/case managers will provide career and education counseling to individuals interested in pursuing employment in the field of education and support to MDC SOE students in their ongoing quest for teaching Excellence. Advisors/case managers will review your degree audit, grade point average (GPA), pathway progress, and provide program counseling. Bachelor of Science students are assigned an advisor/case manager who will support their studies from entry to graduation. Advisement services are provided in the areas of early childhood credentialing (FCCPC, NCDA), bachelor’s degree programs, teacher initial certification, certificate and credential renewals, alternative certification programs, and endorsement programs.

MDC SOE Advisement Offices are located at the Padrón, North, and Kendall campuses. Advisors/case managers are specially trained to be knowledgeable about the MDC SOE programs as well as financial aid and scholarship information. Hours of advisement are Monday to Thursday from 9am to 6pm, and Friday from 9am to 4:30pm. No appointment is needed to meet with an advisor/case manager.