Institutional Research

Human Subjects Research Training

Research applications must include documentation that the Principal and Co-Investigators have successfully completed training in the responsible conduct of research. Completion of one of the following training courses satisfies this requirement.

  • Social & Behavioral Research Basic Course
    This training is provided free to MDC employees and students who need certification as a requirement of coursework, grant work, or any other College-related assignment pertaining to the CASSC Research and Testing Committee, Data Liaisons, or Institutional Review Board (IRB). To register, please follow the steps below:
    • STEP 1: Click REGISTER
    • STEP 2: Click Select You Organization Affiliation,
    • STEP 3: Type Miami Dade College,
    • STEP 4: Click I AGREE and I AFFIRM statements,
    • STEP 5: Follow remaining prompts for account creation (Must use your MDC email address).
  • Protecting Human Research Participants Online Training (fees apply)

In addition, the Office for Human Research Protections (OHRP) offers a variety of free online trainings for the research community on human research protections based on the principles of the Belmont Report and the requirements of the revised Common Rule (or 2018 Requirements).  Click on the links below to review their information.