Welcome to the podcast that will take you inside the sharpest minds in the business world! Join us on MDC’s Mike B. Fernandez Global Business Leadership Series, where you will have direct, unfiltered access to the strategies, insights and advice of top-tier business leaders. In each episode, our engaging host sits down face-to-face with high-profile executives and gets them to speak with complete transparency about the challenges they face in their industries. From CEOs of significant multinationals to disrupters who are transforming their fields, here you will find the voices that are moving the business world today. Get ready to uncover the trends defining the future of management, leadership, and innovation. Expand your horizons with perceptive analysis and learn from the failures and successes of these visionary minds. Don't miss the most stimulating conversations with agile thinkers who are one step ahead! Hop on this rollercoaster of knowledge alongside the most outstanding executives. Subscribe now to step up to the next level and power up your business vision!

AI New Center @MDC-TV

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New AI Center @MDC-Wolfson Campus

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AI Master: Dr. Kirk Borne

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Conversando a fondo: Un espacio para discutir los temas más relevantes. Únete a nosotros en Conversando a fondo, el programa que explora a profundidad los temas más fascinantes e importantes para nuestra sociedad. En cada episodio, abordamos controversias culturales, debates políticos, asuntos sociales apremiantes y mucho más. Escucha interesantes perspectivas de expertos invitados que brindan contexto y análisis invaluable sobre los acontecimientos actuales. Desde la inmigración hasta la educación, el racismo, la desigualdad económica y otros retos que nos afectan a todos. Aquí hallarás conversaciones inteligentes y constructivas para entender mejor el mundo complejo en el que vivimos. Suscríbete para recibir nuevos episodios que despierten tu mente. Únete a nuestra comunidad de diálogo respetuoso y reflexión profunda. Juntos, podemos crear un futuro más justo e inclusivo.
Página abierta (En español) / Open Page (In English) is an entertainment/interview show hosted by television, film, stage, and voice-over actress Vivian Ruiz. The show takes a look at the people who work in the entertainment industry - actors, directors, writers, TV personalities, and much more. She sits down with each interviewee to talk about the amazing world of entertainment.