Student Parents


Free Services Offered to Student Parents

At MDC, parents and their families are engaged in a village of support that provides access to free services and delivers wrap-around support to eliminate barriers and ensure success. You don’t have to do it alone, we’re here to help! Unlock the resources you need for a balanced life and a successful future.
check out our MDC programs and services, information on childcare and child development, and community resources

Need more personal assistance, you can reach us at 305-237-0316 or

  • Scholarship opportunities
  • Academic support
  • Professional development
  • Childcare options Basic needs – and more!

Not a student? Apply to MDC today and register for classes!


  • Florida Homeless Tuition Exemption: You may qualify if you are a student experiencing homelessness. A “student experiencing homelessness” is defined as: An individual who lacks a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence, including an individual who would meet this definition but for their residence in college dormitory housing. Examples include:
    • An individual who is sharing the housing of other persons due to loss of housing, economic hardship, or a similar reason (doubled‐up);
    • An individual who is living in motels, hotels, trailer parks, or camping grounds due to the lack of alternative adequate accommodations;
    • An individual who is living in emergency or transitional shelters;
    • An individual whose primary nighttime residence is a public or private place not designed for or ordinarily used as a regular sleeping accommodation for human beings; or
    • An individual who is living in cars, parks, public spaces, abandoned buildings, substandard housing, bus or train stations, or similar settings.
  • Florida Department of Children and Families Tuition Exemption: You may qualify for a tuition waiver up until you reach 28 years of age, if you meet one of the following criteria:
    • You are, or were at the time of reaching 18 years of age, in out-of-home care;
    • You were adopted from the Department of Children and Families after May 5, 1997;
    • You are or were at the time of reaching 18 years of age, placed in the custody of a relative or non-relative under s. 39.5085, s. 39.6221, or 39.6225, F.S.; or
    • You were reunified with your parents after spending at least 18 months in an out-of-home care after reaching 14 years of age, including a reunification pursuant to s. 39.8155, F.S.
  • Combat Decoration Tuition Exemption: Pursuant to Florida Statute 1009.26(9), Miami Dade College will waive undergraduate tuition for each recipient of a Purple Heart or other combat decoration superior in precedence as listed below. This waiver includes tuition and related fees that are assessed to all students, regardless of the program or credit course in which they are enrolling. Fees that are waived include charges that all students must pay as part of their instructional costs/costs per credit hour which are not linked to specific courses. Fees not included in this waiver are “user” fees. User fees include laboratory fees and other special fees that support specific programs and/or courses.
    • Medal of Honor
    • Defense Distinguished Service Medal
    • Silver Star
    • Legion of Merit (“V” designation”)
    • Navy/Marine Corps Medal
    • Purple Heart
    • Navy Cross
    • Distinguished Service Medal
    • Defense Superior Service Medal
    • Distinguished Flying Cross
    • Bronze Star (“V” designation)
    • Air Force Cross
  • If you meet either of these definitions, please contact us at 305-237-0316, or your campus admissions office for more information on the tuition waiver.
  • Contact the Homeless Helpline and register at 877-994-4357. If you, or your child are between the ages of 14- 24 years old, press the number 4 option. If no one answers, leave a voicemail with your name and a call back number. If shelters are full, and you need immediate assistance, call us at 305-237-0316.
  • Contact your campus Single Stop Coordinator
  • If you have a child in K-12, contact Project Up Start at 305-995-7558.
  • Miami Dade College provides financial assistance to support student success. When funding is available, funds are provided to meet emergency needs that would otherwise prevent students from continuing their education at the College. Student Emergency Aid award will not exceed $500.00 per semester and not exceed $1,000 per academic year. Click here to learn more and apply. Other forms of financial assistance may also be available. Be sure to speak with your campus Single Stop Coordinator.
  • Contact your local community resource center.
  • Call 2-1-1 to learn about programs that may be available.
  • Enter your zip code to find assistance at
  • If you are a student parent between the ages of 18-29 years old, contact us to see if Family Stabilization funds are available. 305-237-0316.
  • There are various forms of childcare assistance available. For more information, see our “Childcare & Child Development” tab.
  • Contact the Coordinated Victims Assistance Center (CVAC) at (305) 285-5900.
  • If you are located in the Homestead area, contact MUJER at (305) 247-1388.
  • Contact us to learn how you can connect with other student parents on campus 305-237-0316.


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