Testing and Assessment

FCLE - Florida Civic Literacy Exam

The FCLE assesses students' civic literacy competency. It includes 80 multiple-choice questions and four domains with an average of 20 questions in each section (American Democracy, United States Constitution, Founding Documents, and Landmark Impact on Law and Society). Due to new test item field testing by the State, subtest areas may include between 18-24 questions. The FCLE administration is untimed and takes approximately 1 hour to complete.

Need to take the FCLE? Find out if you need to complete this graduation requirement. 

For information about the FCLE, please visit the Learning Resources FCLE LibGuide and Testing and Assessment's FCLE webpage for Test Preparation resources.

FCLE will be unavailable for its annual statewide maintenance starting Friday, June 27, 2025 through Sunday, July 6, 2025.

Free 24/7 Unlimited Canvas Study Course: The Florida Civic Literacy Exam Civic Literacy Road to Success Canvas Course (FCLE CLRS), is a new resource designed as a free, 24/7, unlimited, modular, study course that can be used by students to prepare for meeting the State of Florida's Florida Civic Literacy requirements. Please click on the below corresponding accordion Test Preparation – FCLE Civic Literacy Road to Success Canvas Course, for additional information and to use the study course or click here to register.

FREE FCLE Bootcamps! Get prepared to take the Florida Civic Literacy Exam (FCLE) by participating in an in-person or MDC LIVE bootcamp. Register Now and take the FCLE right after you finish your in-person bootcamp or very soon after your MDC LIVE bootcamp.

Determine if you need to complete this graduation requirement

To test for the first time, students must be enrolled in either POS 2041, or AMH 2010*, or AMH 2020, or previously received a letter grade. 

*AMH 2010 on or after Fall 2024.

Notes: The FCLE passing score is an Overall Raw Score of 48 out of 80 (60%). The passing score for the FCLE that was administered in the high schools during school years 2019-2020 and 2020-2021, and in the state university system since 2018 is also 60 percent (60 correct out of 100).

995: Is a test score code used at MDC which indicates that the civic literacy requirement was previously ‘Met’ as part of an earned degree.  These students do not need to meet the requirement again as part of another degree program.

999: Is a test score code used at MDC which indicates that the FCLE was passed at another post-secondary institution or high school; the status record was received via FASTER and no score was available. These students have met the FCLE requirement.

Under certain circumstances, arrangements for auxiliary aids and modifications are permissible. The College makes every reasonable effort to ensure equal access to educational opportunities and experiences for candidates with documented disabilities. These services can include:

  • Sign language interpreters
  • Adaptive or assistive technology
  • Note takers
  • and more

An ACCESS representative can help eligible candidates identify and arrange for accommodations that ensure success.

Instructions for Auxiliary Aids and Modifications:

  1. Candidate presents documentation to ACCESS department.
  2. ACCESS department intakes documentation.
  3. Accommodations are determined.
  4. ACCESS department informs Testing Center about candidate's accommodations.
  5. Candidate contacts Testing Center to schedule the test with accommodations.
  6. Testing Center plans for accommodated testing needs.
  7. Candidate tests.

Retesting requires a 7-day waiting period. Waived after completing an FCLE Bootcamp, the FCLE Civic Literacy Road to Success (CLRS) canvas course, or by receiving a referral from a Social Science Faculty member or Department Chair, or a Learning Resources Director.

Approval from an MDC authorized employee is required after the second attempt. Submit a FCLE Retake Request Form.

FCLE Referral Form: This form is for students who need a waiver for the 7-day retake waiting period or a referral from an MDC authorized  employee approving a third or more attempt.

Location Available Day and Time
Hialeah Testing
By Online Appointments M, T, W, R 
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM           
8:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Homestead Testing
By Online Appointments M, T, W         
8:30 AM - 5:00 PM
8:30 AM - 2:00 PM
8:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Kendall Testing
Building R, 5th Floor
By Online Appointments M, T, W, R
8:30 AM - 5:00 PM
8:30 AM - 2:00 PM
Medical Testing
By Online Appointments T, R  
Varies by date
MEEC Testing
By Online Appointments
Varies by date
North Testing
By Online Appointments M, T, W, R
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
8:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Padrón Testing
By Online Appointments M, T, W, R
8:30 AM - 5:00 PM
8:30 AM - 1:00 PM
West Testing
By Online Appointments M, W, R
8:30 AM - 5:00 PM
8:30 AM - 6:30 PM
8:30 AM - 1:00 PM
Wolfson Testing
By Online Appointments M, T, W, R
8:30 AM - 4:30 PM
8:30 AM - 1:00 PM

Contact a Testing and Assessment location, where we would be glad to help you!

Note:  Examinees must be checked-in and seated by the time scheduled in order to begin the test. Examinees will then have adequate time to finish the test in a reasonable period or within the Hours of Operation.

FREE FCLE Bootcamps! Get prepared to take the Florida Civic Literacy Exam (FCLE) by participating in an in-person or MDC LIVE bootcamp. Register Now and take the FCLE right after you finish your in-person bootcamp or very soon after your MDC LIVE bootcamp.

Below are resources for students seeking to fulfill the assessment requirement.  The same resources and more are also available via the Learning Resources FCLE LibGuide.

Florida Civics Literacy Exam (FCLE) Review Module

InQuizitive: Formative Adaptive Quizzing

The content in this assessment addresses the four key objectives of the FCLE. The review questions are in W.W. Norton's adaptive, formative platform named InQuizitive. Students can attempt questions as many times as they wish to work towards mastery of the objectives. Students will also receive a personalized learning path so that they receive more questions on topics they're struggling with.  

Through 8/31/2025, students will be able to access InQuizitive free of charge. In return, W.W. Norton are asking users to share feedback with them so they can continue to resource design the assessment to help students pass the FCLE exam. 

  • Students can complete a short survey via this link.
  • Faculty can complete a short survey via this link.

FLDOE developed FCLE Supplemental Guide and Sample Test

The purpose of these sample test materials is to orient faculty and students to the nature of the test content and test questions on the FCLE. The content included in the Supplemental Guide is not intended to replace associated coursework or other preparation methods required to demonstrate civic literacy, as described in Florida Statute

The sample questions and answers are not intended to demonstrate the length of the actual test. Student performance on the sample test should not be used as a predictor of performance on the actual test, and neither the sample test nor the supplemental guide should be used to guide classroom instruction.

Online FCLE Sample Test

Access the online FCLE sample test here and review FCLE Sample Test Registration Step-by-Step Guide or follow these steps:

  • Step 1: Make sure all options are set to ON and click Sign In,
  • Step 2: For Student Grade Level, select 30,
  • Step 3: Scroll down to Florida Civic Literacy Exam, select Start Florida Civil Literacy Exam Sample Test,
  • Step 4: Do not change settings, then click Select,
  • Step 5: Click Begin Test Now.

The sample test is not scored. To access the correct answers to the sample items, see the FCLE sample items document on the FLDOE FCLE webpage.

Additional resources are available via the FLDOE Civic Literacy webpage and the links below.

The FCLE CLRS is a culmination of a project funded as one of ten 2022-2023 MDC President’s Innovation Awards. It was designed as a free, 24/7, unlimited, modular, study course that can be used by students to prepare for meeting the State of Florida's Florida Civic Literacy requirements.  

Use the FCLE CLRS as a “refresher” study site or a type of civics “roadmap to success.” The FCLE CLRS is organized around the four main competencies of the civic literacy exam:

  • Understanding of the basic principles and practices of American democracy and how they are applied in our republican form of government;
  • An understanding of the United States Constitution and its application;
  • Knowledge of the founding documents and how they have shaped the nature and functions of our institutions of self-government; and
  • An understanding of landmark Supreme Court cases, landmark legislation and landmark executive actions and their impact on law and society.  

Students have the option of interacting with and using the study materials for all four sections of the FCLE or for separately preparing for one or more of these sections. For instance, if students took the FCLE, but struggled with questions in Section 4 regarding U.S. Supreme Court Cases, they can use these materials within the FCLE CLRS to prepare for FCLE retakes.

To use the FCLE CLRS study materials, click here and access Canvas with your institutional email address and password (e.g., students’ myMDC.net email address and password). Then, click “Modules” in the left hand column, and get started with all or part of the study materials needed!

If faculty members include completing parts and/or all of the FCLE CLRS in their courses, students can track their engagement in the FCLE CLRS by either noting their scores by section, keeping their final score for full FCLE CLRS engagement, taking an FCLE Practice Test (one is at the end of each Module), and / or printing their earned Module Certificates (available for students to download at the end of each module after earning 60 or more points within that module) and sharing this information with their instructors.

Faculty members, administrators and staff may request that students participate in several ways, including:

  • Assigning students to complete module-specific or the full study materials in the FCLE CLRS as course requirements, completion items, or extra credit
  • Having students complete FCLE CLRS activities for the Civic Action Scorecard

Requesting that students provide either their scores by section, scores for full FCLE CLRS engagement, and / or Module Certificates (available for students to download at the end of each module after earning 60 or more points within that module) as demonstration of students' completion of and mastery of the associated study materials.

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Please visit the Testing Fees webpage for additional information and test specific fees.